WolfspyreLabs KibbleBowl / Snippits & Exemplars / WolfspyreLabs Exemplars / WolfspyreLabs ShortBarks / Blockquote / Blockquote 🐺 Blockquote Present quotes with or without attribution and links I found this post1 on how to make fancier blockquotes. Port of the Octopress blockquote plugin at http://octopress.org/docs/plugins/blockquote/. It supports author, link, source and title. If title is not provided and link is longer than 32 characters, it is cut at the last forward slash similar to the original plugin. It can be used as follows: This is a simple quote. Quote with author #This is a quote with only an Author named Author2. Quote with author and source #This is a quote from Author3 and source “source.” Quote with author and link #This is a quote from Author4 and links to https://www.google.com. Quote with author, link and title #This is a quote from Author5 and links to https://www.google.com with title “Google.” Quote with author and a long link #with a link longer than 32 characters, the string is first cut at 32 characters then everything after the last forward slash is removed This is a quote from Author5 and links to https://twitter.com/CryptoGangsta/status/716427930126196737 which is longer than 32 characters. And this is a new line in the quote with the HTML br tag. Test from the Octopress blockquote #Octopress test quote at: http://octopress.org/docs/plugins/blockquote/ Over the past 24 hours I’ve been reflecting on my life & I’ve realized only one thing. I need a medieval battle axe. This is managed by the file layouts/shortcodes/blockquote.html https://github.com/parsiya/Hugo-Shortcodes ↩︎