The Hoof & Paw / Snippits & Exemplars / WolfspyreLabs Exemplars / WolfspyreLabs Shortcodes / Button Deluxe / Button Deluxe 🐺🔥🔬 WolfspyreLabs Shortcodes buttondeluxe outputs a more styled button component. buttondeluxe Output a styled button component. Can be used to highlight a primary action. It has the following: href OR relref The URL or RELREF of the link target ( Default: _blank ) The target of the link. To open in the same window, _self. Use _blank to open in a new window. textColor ( Default: neutral ) specify the tailwind color of the text. textDark ( Default: neutral-400 ) specify the tailwind color of the text when contrast polarity is reversed. size ( Default: md ) The size option. Size Options # Value Padding: X Padding: Y Margin xs 1 1 0 sm 2 1.5 0.25 md 3 2 0.25 lg 3.5 3 0.5 xl 4 3.5 0.5 xxl 5 4 0.75 Example: Size Example code Example Button xs {{< buttondeluxe href="#button" size="xs" target="_self" >}} Look Ma! No Clicky! {{< /buttondeluxe >}} Look Ma! No Clicky! sm {{< buttondeluxe href="#button" size="sm" target="_self" >}} Look Ma! No Clicky! {{< /buttondeluxe >}} Look Ma! No Clicky! md {{< buttondeluxe href="#button" target="_self" >}} Look Ma! No Clicky! {{< /buttondeluxe >}} Look Ma! No Clicky! lg {{< buttondeluxe href="#button" size="lg" target="_self" >}} Look Ma! No Clicky! {{< /buttondeluxe >}} Look Ma! No Clicky! xl {{< buttondeluxe href="#button" size="xl" target="_self" >}} Look Ma! No Clicky! {{< /buttondeluxe >}} Look Ma! No Clicky! xxl {{< buttondeluxe href="#button" size="xxl" target="_self" >}} Look Ma! No Clicky! {{< /buttondeluxe >}} Look Ma! No Clicky! {{< buttondeluxe href="#button" target="_self" >}} Look Ma! No Clicky! {{< /buttondeluxe >}} Look Ma! No Clicky! {{< buttondeluxe href="#button" size="lg" target="_self" >}} Look Ma! No Clicky! {{< /buttondeluxe >}} Look Ma! No Clicky! {{< buttondeluxe href="#button" size="xl" target="_self" >}} Look Ma! No Clicky! {{< /buttondeluxe >}} Look Ma! No Clicky! {{< buttondeluxe href="#button" size="xxl" target="_self" >}} Look Ma! No Clicky! {{< /buttondeluxe >}} Look Ma! No Clicky!