The Hoof & Paw / Snippits & Exemplars / WolfspyreLabs Exemplars / WolfspyreLabs Shortcodes / Columns / Columns 🐺 columns Organize content side-by-side (horizontally) for better readability. Attributes # Name Type Default Valid values Description size String none DEPRECATED This does nothing fontScales String See Desc a tailwind font size/breakpoints list This sets the font value for content at different breakpoints. Default: “text-2xs sm:text-xxs md:text-xs lg:text-sm xl:text-base” innerAlign String center left, start, center, justify, right, end Sets the text-... tailwindCSS class for all inner columns. shifts the inner containers’ text alignment. innerBG String See Desc a valid bg-.. value Sets the background of the inner elements Default: bg-slate-900/05 dark:bg-slate-900/05 innerMargin String m-0 a valid margin tailwind value Sets the margin class of the inner column elements. Set to whatever padding you wish. innerPad String px-2 a valid padding tailwind value Sets the padding class of the inner elements. Set to whatever padding you wish. innerRing String none a valid ring-value If the value of innerRing is NOT ‘none’ then the inner elements are enhanced with a ring. innerRingColor String See Desc a valid ring-.. value Default: ring-secondary-400/50 dark:ring-secondary-200/50 Sets the ring color for the inner elements innerRounded String $rounded a valid rounded-.. If set, should align with acceptable tailwindcss values for rounding1 innerShadow String See Desc a valid shadow value Sets the tailwind shadow for the inner elements. Default: drop-shadow-xl innerWidth String none a valid width tailwind value Sets the default width attribute of the inner elements. This is still controlled by the breakpoints specified for the inner class list innerWidthMax String See Desc a tailwind max-w/breakpoint list Sets the max-width attribute breakpoints for the inner elements. Default: max-w-lg md:max-w-lg lg:max-w-lg xl:max-w-full mode String renderstring renderstring, safehtml Determines if the content will be parsed with renderString, or safeHTML outerBG String none a valid bg-.. value If set, Sets the background of the outer element outerMargin String m-0.5 a valid margin tailwind value Sets the margin class of the outer column element. Set to whatever padding you wish. outerPad String p-0.5 a valid padding tailwind value Sets the padding class of the outer element. Set to whatever padding you wish. outerRing String none a valid ring-value if the value of outerRing is NOT ‘none’ then the outer element is enhanced with a ring. outerRingColor String See Desc a valid ring-.. value Sets the ring color for the outer element. Default ring-secondary-300/50 dark:ring-secondary-500/50 outerRounded String $rounded a valid rounded-.. If set, should align with acceptable tailwindcss values for rounding1 outerWidth String none a valid width tailwind value Sets the default width attribute of the outer element. This is still controlled by the breakpoints specified for the outer class list outerWidthMax String See Desc a tailwind max-w/breakpoint list Sets the max-width attribute breakpoints for the outer elements. Default: max-w-lg md:max-w-lg lg:max-w-lg xl:max-w-full rounded String none any value rounded-.. sugar-sweet shorthand to adjust the rounding1 on both the inner and outer elements at once. Usage #The mode toggle allows for two different modes of content parsing. I took the implementation from Nelis Oostens version2; which allows one to display footnotes in columns. Noteworthy Tidbit To do this, one must use the alternate shortcode invocation syntax: {{% columns mode=“safehtml” %}} … {{% /columns %}} RenderString (<>) Example #{{< columns >}} <!-- begin columns block --> ## Left Content Dolor sit, sumo unique argument um no ... Note that for some reason, the button shortcode won't work properly if not isolated with spacing like this: {{< button href="" >}}{{<icon github >}}{{< /button >}} <---> <!-- magic separator, between columns --> ## Mid Content SOMEONE ATE AN ORNATELY BLAND YETI ...AND PLAYED THE BONGOS?!? [What the hell?!][gizmodo-wth][^gizmodo-wth] <---> <!-- magic separator, between columns --> ## Right Content Dolor sit, sumo unique argument um no ... {{< button href="" >}} {{<icon github >}} {{< /button >}} {{< /columns >}} Left #Dolor sit, sumo unique argument um no. Gracie nominal id xiv. Romanesque acclimates Note that for some reason, the button shortcode won’t work properly if not isolated with spacing like this: Mid Content #SOMEONE ATE AN ORNATELY BLAND YETI …AND PLAYED THE BONGOS?!? [What the hell?!][gizmodo-wth][^gizmodo-wth] Right Content #Dolor sit, sumo unique argument um no. Gracie nominal id xiv. Romanesque acclimates investiture. Ornateness bland it ex enc, est yeti am bongo detract re. SafeHTML (%%) Example #{{% columns mode="safehtml" rounded="2xl" outerRing="2" innerRing="1" %}} ## Left Dolor sit, sumo unique argument um no. Gracie nominal id xiv. Romanesque acclimates investiture. Ornateness bland it ex enc, est yeti am bongo detract re. {{< button href="" >}} {{<icon github >}} {{< /button >}} <---> ## Mid Content SOMEONE ATE AN ORNATELY BLAND YETI ...AND PLAYED THE BONGOS?!? [What the hell?!][gizmodo-wth][^gizmodo-wth] <---> ## Right Content Dolor sit, sumo unique argument um no. Gracie nominal id xiv. Romanesque acclimates investiture. Ornateness bland it ex enc, est yeti am bongo detract re. {{< button href="" >}} {{<icon github >}} {{< /button >}} {{% /columns %}} Left #Dolor sit, sumo unique argument um no. Gracie nominal id xiv. Romanesque acclimates investiture. Ornateness bland it ex enc, est yeti am bongo detract re. Mid Content #SOMEONE ATE AN ORNATELY BLAND YETI …AND PLAYED THE BONGOS?!? What the hell?!3 Right Content #Dolor sit, sumo unique argument um no. Gracie nominal id xiv. Romanesque acclimates investiture. Ornateness bland it ex enc, est yeti am bongo detract re. Advanced Abuse Examples #These are terrible ideas. Don’t try these at home, kids! {{< columns rounded="xl" innerAlign="center" innerRing="2" innerRingColor="ring-green-300/30 dark:ring-green-400/30" innerBG="bg-green-500/10 dark:bg-green-800/10" innerWidth="w-full" >}} <!-- begin columns block --> {{< columns rounded="5" innerAlign="center" innerRing="2" innerRingColor="ring-green-400/50 dark:ring-green-600/50 first:ring-0" innerBG="bg-green-700/10 dark:bg-green-900/10" innerWidth="w-full" >}}<!-- begin sub-columns block --> ## First Content note no ring here! Dolor sit, sumo unique argument um no ... <---> <!-- magic separator, between columns --> ## Sub-Column's Second Content Dolor sit, sumo unique argument um no ... <---> <!-- magic separator, between columns --> ## Sub-Column's Third Content Dolor sit, sumo unique argument um no ... {{< /columns >}}<!-- end sub-columns block --> More Content Main Column {{< /columns >}}<!-- end columns block --> Sub-Column’s First Content #note no ring here! Dolor sit, sumo unique argument um no … Sub-Column’s Second Content #Dolor sit, sumo unique argument um no … Sub-Column’s Third Content #Dolor sit, sumo unique argument um no … More Content Main Column Another colorful terrible idea #Here’s another terrible idea ;) Well, maybe not TERRIBLE but you get the point. {{< columns innerAlign="center" outerRing="1" outerRounded="xxl" outerRingColor="ring-yellow-400/50 dark:ring-yellow-200/50" outerBG="bg-gradient-to-b from-yellow-500/10 to-red-500/10 dark:from-yellow-700/10 dark:to-red-800/10" >}} #### Column1 Element 1 {{< columns innerAlign="left" outerRounded="xxxl" outerRing="2" outerRingColor="ring-cyan-400/30 dark:ring-cyan-300/40" outerBG="bg-gradient-to-br from-blue-300/10 to-blue-500/15 dark:from-blue-700/5 dark:to-blue-950/50" >}} `column1 sub-column1 element1` : First content within the first sub-column. {{< /columns >}} #### More Column1 Content {{< columns innerAlign="left" outerRounded="xxxl" outerRing="2" outerRingColor="ring-green-400/40 dark:ring-green-600/40" outerBG="bg-gradient-to-tr from-green-300/10 to-green-500/40 dark:from-blue-700/5 dark:to-green-900/40" >}} `Column1 Sub-column2 element 1` : First content within the SECOND sub-column. {{< /columns >}} <---> #### Column2 Element 1 {{< columns innerAlign="left" outerRounded="xxxl" outerRing="2" outerRingColor="ring-cyan-400/30 dark:ring-cyan-300/40" outerBG="bg-gradient-to-bl from-blue-300/10 to-blue-500/15 dark:from-blue-700/5 dark:to-blue-950/40" >}} `column2 sub-column1 element1` : First sub-column of the Main Column's second element. {{< /columns >}} #### More Column2 Content {{< columns innerAlign="left" outerRounded="xxxl" outerRing="2" outerRingColor="ring-green-400/40 dark:ring-green-600/40" outerBG="bg-gradient-to-tl from-green-300/10 to-green-500/40 dark:from-blue-700/5 dark:to-green-900/40" >}} `column2 sub-column2 element1` : sub-column2 of the SECOND main column. {{< /columns >}} {{< /columns >}} Column1 Element 1 # column1 sub-column1 element1 First content within the first sub-column. More Column1 Content # Column1 Sub-column2 element 1 First content within the SECOND sub-column. Column2 Element 1 # column2 sub-column1 element1 First sub-column of the Main Column’s second element. More Column2 Content # column2 sub-column2 element1 sub-column2 of the SECOND main column. Getting definition lists and links functional within a sub-column #{{% columns innerAlign="center" outerRing="1" outerRounded="xxl" outerRingColor="ring-yellow-400/50 dark:ring-yellow-200/50" mode="safehtml" outerBG="bg-gradient-to-b from-yellow-500/10 to-red-500/10 dark:from-yellow-700/10 dark:to-red-800/10" %}} #### Column1 Element 1 {{< columns innerAlign="left" outerRounded="xxxl" outerRing="2" outerRingColor="ring-cyan-400/30 dark:ring-cyan-300/40" outerBG="bg-gradient-to-br from-blue-300/10 to-blue-500/15 dark:from-blue-700/5 dark:to-blue-950/50" >}} `column1 sub-column1 element1` : First content within the first sub-column. {{< /columns >}} #### More Column1 Content {{< columns innerAlign="left" outerRounded="xxxl" outerRing="2" outerRingColor="ring-green-400/40 dark:ring-green-600/40" outerBG="bg-gradient-to-tr from-green-300/10 to-green-500/40 dark:from-blue-700/5 dark:to-green-900/40" >}} `Column1 Sub-column2 element 1` : First content within the SECOND sub-column. {{< /columns >}} <---> #### Column2 Element 1 {{< columns innerAlign="left" outerRounded="xxxl" outerRing="2" outerRingColor="ring-cyan-400/30 dark:ring-cyan-300/40" outerBG="bg-gradient-to-bl from-blue-300/10 to-blue-500/15 dark:from-blue-700/5 dark:to-blue-950/40" >}} `column2 sub-column1 element1` : First sub-column of the Main Column's second element. {{< /columns >}} #### More Column2 Content {{< columns innerAlign="left" outerRounded="xxxl" outerRing="2" mode="safehtml" outerRingColor="ring-green-400/40 dark:ring-green-600/40" outerBG="bg-gradient-to-tl from-green-300/10 to-green-500/40 dark:from-blue-700/5 dark:to-green-900/40" >}} `column2 sub-column2 element1` : sub-column2 of the SECOND main column. [link][gizmodo-wth][^gizmodo-wth] {{< /columns >}} [link][gizmodo-wth][^gizmodo-wth] {{% /columns %}} Column1 Element 1 # column1 sub-column1 element1 First content within the first sub-column. More Column1 Content # Column1 Sub-column2 element 1 First content within the SECOND sub-column. Column2 Element 1 # column2 sub-column1 element1 First sub-column of the Main Column’s second element. More Column2 Content # column2 sub-column2 element1 sub-column2 of the SECOND main column. link3 link3 ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎