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<time datetime="2023-06-01 00:00:00 &#43;0000 UTC">June 01 2023</time><span class="px-2 text-primary-500">&middot;</span><time datetime="2024-02-20 16:00:25 -0600 CST">Updated: February 20 2024</time><span class="px-2 text-primary-500">&middot;</span><span>269 words</span><span class="px-2 text-primary-500">&middot;</span><span title="Reading time">2 mins</span>
Blowfish Shortcodes Typeit
Hoof & Paw
The ART in Heart
Hoof & Paw
Crystalini Partum a Canis Stercore
blowfish shortcodes - This article is part of a series.
🐡 Shortcodes:
The most versatile JavaScript tool for creating typewriter effects on the planet.

With a straightforward configuration, TypeIt allows you to create type-like effects for single or multiple strings..

  • That break lines
  • That delete & replace each other
  • It handles strings that contain complex HTML.
  • It types more accurately than I do.

Blowfish implements a sub-set of TypeIt features using a shortcode.
Write your text within the typeit shortcode and use the following parameters to adjust the displayed behaviors.

Parameter Type Description
tag String html tag that will be used to render the strings.
classList String List of css classes to apply to the html element.
initialString String Initial string that will appear written and will be replaced.
speed number Typing speed, measured in milliseconds between each step.
lifeLike boolean Makes the typing pace irregular, as if a real person is doing it.
startDelay number The amount of time before the plugin begins typing after being initialized.
breakLines boolean Whether multiple strings are printed on top of each other (true), or if they’re deleted and replaced by each other (false).
waitUntilVisible boolean Determines if the instance will begin when loaded or only when the target element becomes visible in the viewport. The default is true
loop boolean Whether your strings will continuously loop after completing

Example 1:

{{< typeit >}}
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet 
{{< /typeit >}}

Example 2:

{{< typeit 
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, 
consectetur adipiscing elit. 
{{< /typeit >}}

Example 3:

{{< typeit 
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, 
consectetur adipiscing elit. 
{{< /typeit >}}

blowfish shortcodes - This article is part of a series.