The Hoof & Paw / Snippits & Exemplars / WolfspyreLabs Exemplars / WolfspyreLabs Shortcodes / Img / Img If you need more flexibility for your embedded images, you could use the img shortcode. It is using Hugo’s page resources and supports lazy loading of your images. Attributes: Name Usage default name (string) Name of the image resource defined in your front matter. empty alt (string) Description for displayed image. resource .Title size (string) Thumbnail size (profile|tiny|small|medium|large). empty lazy (bool) Enable or disable image lazy loading. Can be controlled globally by site parameter geekdocImageLazyLoading. true Sizes: Size Resized_to profile 180x180 Centered tiny 320x small 600x medium 1200x large 1800x Example: Define your resources in the page front matter, custom parameter params.credits is optional. --- resources: - name: Evey01 src: "Evey01.webp" title: Evey! params: credits: "[Evey Noblewise](/authors/evey-noblewise)" --- {{/< img name="Evey01" size="large" lazy=false >}} The Peeviest of them all! (Evey Noblewise) --- resources: - name: art src: "subdir/evey02.jpg" alt: 'where is my little girl?' title: "DAMNIT I MISS YOU!" params: credits: "[Evey Noblewise](/authors/evey-noblewise)" --- {{/< img name="art" lazy=false >}} DAMNIT I MISS YOU! (Evey Noblewise)